Gang Awareness


Gang members use graffiti, hand signs, jewelry, tattoos, clothing, and colors to signify their membership in a gang and to communicate their gang affiliation to others. Each gang has its own unique graffiti, signs, and colors.  

HAND SIGNS Are used to communicate within the gang and as a challenge to rival gangs. The signs are made by forming letters and/or numbers with fingers.  

TATTOOS Are used to mark one's body as an identifier indicating membership in a particular gang. The tattoos can include the name, initials, street of origin, or symbols of a gang. Some tattoos are professionally drawn while others are homemade. Tattoos can be found on any part of the body, but are commonly found on the hands, arms, chest, back, thighs or ankles.  

COLORS Most gangs have particular colors that they use to identify themselves. Many of the gang members will frequently dress in these colors. In Madison, the two colors most associated with gang activity are blue and red.  

CLOTHING Some gangs use particular sports team clothing to represent their gang by picking a team that uses the particular colors associated with gangs. They may also pick out a teams clothing because of the symbol represented by that team, such as the five-point star used by the Dallas Cowboys.  

JEWELRY Gangs are usually divided into two groups, the folks and peoples. Jewelry with a six point star indicate a membership with a gang related to the folks, while a five-point star is associated with peoples.  

STREET NAMES Members of gangs use street names with each other. They are used to conceal identification from law enforcement. Sometimes gang members use addressers such as "folks" and "people" when talking to each other.  

NOTE: The wearing of particular items of clothing should not be used alone as an indication of gang involvement. Current clothing style imitates gang membership.  

  • Baseball caps are worn distinctively to the left or the right. 
  • Tattoos of stars, pitchforks, or unexplained symbols.  
  • Jewelry, including rings, earrings, and necklaces with nicknames, stars, pitchforks or unexplained initials or symbols.  
  • Money from an unexplained source.  
  • Certain clothes with particular colors and sports team identification which are the only type a child will wear.
  • New friends that parents are not acquainted with and whom they are not allowed to meet.  
  • Unexplained signs and symbols on books, folders, clothes, bedroom walls and personal belongings. 
  • Truancy or poor progress in school.  
  • Frequent negative contacts with police.


Gang members mark their territory with graffiti, such as Roman Numerals, initials, and other symbols. The markings can range from simple to elaborate. Typically graffiti is used to warn competing gangs that there is a threat of takeover. It is essential to remove graffiti as soon as possible so that it will not be defaced by a rival gang. "Dissing" is done by insulting rival gangs. This occurs when original gang graffiti is crossed out and an opposing gang graffiti written over or next to it, or by graffiti representing the original gang written upside down by the rival gang.  

Again it is important to remove the graffiti as soon as possible. Business and property owners should be made aware of graffiti and encouraged to remove it as soon as possible. Graffiti should be reported to your local police or sheriff's precinct as soon as possible. 


  • Don't ignore your suspicions; talk to your child. 
  • Watch for some of the signs mentioned previously.  
  • Listen to conversations your child has with friends or new acquaintances.
  • Check your child's room periodically for signs and symbols.  
  • Talk to your child's teachers about your suspicions.  
  • Divert your child's attention away from unknown friends and into other activities. 
  • Ask for help from the many community agencies.  
  • Call the police. We will respond to your questions and if desired talk with you and your child about gangs.  

*** Do not think that a gang is just a phase. Older gang members use newer gang member or people looking to get into the gang by having them take most of the risk. Large quantities of "crack" cocaine have been found on newer members, while older members refuse to associate with them when they get caught.  


  • Report all crimes and gang activity to the police.  
  • Identify any suspects to the police, as well as any Street Names. Remember information can be kept confidential.  
  • Remember that we cannot do the job alone and we need the help of those in the community.  
  • A good offense! 

The first defense in protecting our kids against gang influence, is a good offense. Just as we warn our kids about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs before we discover evidence of such activity, we must take similar precautions about Gangs - online resources for parents and educators talk to our children about the dangers of gang involvement. That is, making our children aware that gang association of any kind is harmful and will not be tolerated.  

Discuss the consequences of being in a gang. We must teach them that they should not associate with gang members, communicate with gangs, hang out where gangs congregate, wear gang-related clothing or attend events sponsored by gangs. We must try to make them understand that the dangers here are real and "just saying no" may save their lives.  

What to look out for! 

Parents should be alarmed and take appropriate action if a child exhibits one or more of these warning signs. Although we should exercise caution, we need to determine the degree (if any) of a child's involvement. We can assume that a child has some level of involvement with a gang if he/she:

  • admits that they are involved in any manner with a gang
  • is obsessed with a particular clothing color
  • prefers sagging pants or gang clothing
  • wears jewelry with distinguishing designs (rosary and not being catholic)  
  • Requests a particular logo over others such as, Joker faces, cholo, low-rider designs
  • adopts an unusual desire for privacy and secrecy  
  • exhibits a change in behavior and conduct and withdraws from the family  
  • is frequently deceitful about their activities  
  • declining grades at school  
  • truancy and/or being late for school  
  • begins keeping late hours  
  • breaks parental rules repeatedly  
  • is obsessed with gangster music or videos  
  • associated with the "wrong crowd" (changes friends)  
  • begins using hand signs with friends  
  • has paint or permanent marker stains on his/her hands or clothes. Or, is in possession of graffiti paraphernalia such as markers, etching tools, and spray paint
  • show evidence of physical injuries and lies about how they were received  
  • displays unusual drawings or text on school books or displays graffiti in their bedrooms and on items such as books and posters  
  • produces unexplained cash, clothing, jewelry, music CDs, etc.  
  • exhibits use of alcohol or drugs 
  • Be careful ! 

None of these warning signs alone is sufficient for predicting gang involvement, aggression or tendencies toward violence. Also, it can be detrimental to use these signs as a checklist against which to measure children.  

Early warning signs are just that, indicators that a child may need our help and guidance. These are behavioral and emotional signs that, when considered in context, can signal a distraught child.  

Early warning signs provide us with a means to examine our concerns and address the child's needs. Early warning signs allow us to get help for the child before problems escalate.